



Saints are individuals of exceptional holiness. They have dedicated their lives to serve others as per the will of God.

13,808 Questions

Is there a saint named Pamela?

Unfortunately, no. Being a barer of the name myself, I checked a long time ago. I was raised Catholic and all my siblings are named after Saints, except me. Perhaps my mother suspected Pamela would be a better fit.

Is Christabel a saint's name?

Well, isn't that a lovely name, Christabel? While it may not be traditionally associated with a specific saint, every name has its own special meaning and significance. Remember, it's not just the name that matters, but the kindness and love we show others that truly makes us saintly.

What is the symbol for St. John Vianney?

The symbol for St. John Vianney is typically a priest's hat or cassock, sometimes accompanied by a burning heart to represent his fervent love for God. So, if you see a fancy hat or a flaming heart, you're probably looking at a nod to good ol' St. John Vianney. Hope that clears things up for ya!

What is the canonization date of Saint Aidan?

Saint Aidan of Lindesfarne was declared a saint before the official canonization

process was instituted in the 12th century. He would have been declared a

saint to the bishop by those who knew him best and were familiar with his

life and merits. The local bishop would them make the decision. Today

only the pope can declare saints after years of study by the Sacred

Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. The church does not

create saints. Only God can do that. The Church "screens" candidates for

sainthood to determine if they had a life worthy of emmulation. In other

words, do they make good role models. Also, the Church has to be assured

that the person is actually in Heaven. That is the reason that today a

number of miracles must be verified before a person can be declared a


What was Saint Teresa's favorite color?

Maria Goretti did not leave a record of what her favorite color was.

Is there Saint Nolan?

In Christianity, there is no recognized saint named Nolan in the traditional canon of saints. The process of canonization involves a thorough investigation of a person's life and miracles attributed to them. If there is a Saint Nolan in a specific local or regional tradition, it would not be widely recognized by the Catholic Church or other major Christian denominations.

Is Annabel a saint's name?

Sure, Annabel is not traditionally considered a saint's name in the Catholic Church. It is more of a modern and literary name, popularized by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee." But hey, who needs to be a saint when you can be a literary icon instead?

What is st Cecilia's favourite color?

Very little factual information survives about Cecilia, including such questions about her favorites. The answer is unknown.

Who is a Saint?

Anyone who makes it to Heaven is a saint. Saints are holy, pure, and free from sin. That does not mean in their earthly lives, but when they are in heaven. Saints are the closest role models we have, besides Mary, who were most Christlike.

Is Jill Saint James the numberologist a big scam?

Yes, sent report which was so wrong, charged much more than she said she would and it is impossible to get an email through to ask from her "guaranteed" refund. She is a nasty scammer who takes advantage of people who are down on their luck, shame on her.

Is Danielle the name of a saint?

Yes, Danielle is a name that can be associated with a saint. Saint Danielle is the French form of the name Daniel, which means "God is my judge." There have been several saints named Daniel or Danielle throughout history, including Saint Daniel the Stylite and Saint Danielle de Champagné.

Who is the patron saint of bowling?

Oh, dude, the patron saint of bowling is Saint Sebastian. He's like the OG bowler, always striking with those arrows of his. So, next time you're at the lanes, just give a little nod to Saint Sebastian before you toss that ball down the alley.

Was Saint Freya a Catholic?

Oh, dude, Saint Freya wasn't Catholic. She was actually a Norse goddess associated with love, beauty, and fertility. So, like, she's more into the whole Viking mythology scene rather than the Catholic one. But hey, maybe she'd be down for a crossover episode with the saints, who knows?