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It's all from the water cycle. First water vapor rises up into the sky and forms clouds. When water droplets get too heavy in the clouds they precipitate. So to answer your question clouds and water

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Q: What is precipitation produced from?
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How much precipitation is produced in a considerable tornado?

Tornadoes do not produce precipitation. Tornadoes are usually often accompanied by precipitation, but the amount is not related to the strength of the tornado.

Is precipitation one thing hurricanes thunderstorms and tornadoes have in common?

All hurricanes and nearly all thunderstorms produce precipitation. Tornadoes are produced by thunderstorms and so are nearly always accompanied by precipitation, but they do not produce precipitation.

Is there any precipitation after tornadoes?

Often there is, though there is more often precipitation before a tornado. Whether or not their is depends on the structure of the storm system that produced the tornado.

What dangerous precipitation is produced when sulfur compounds react with water in the atmosphere?

Acid rain It is called Acid rain.

What Is dangerous precipitation is produced when sulfur compounds react with water in the atmosphere?

Acid rain It is called Acid rain.

Is steam a form of precipitation?

No, steam is not a form of precipitation. Steam is water vapor that is produced when water is boiled or evaporates. Precipitation refers to any form of water, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, that falls from the sky to the ground.

Does it rain when a tornado comes?

Usually, yes. Tornadoes are produced by thunderstorms, though in some cases tornadoes can occur with low-precipitation supercells.

How many tons of forage produced per acre?

This all depends on location, precipitation received, time of year, etc. There is no standard number for all parts of the world or the country for how much forage is produced per acre.

What is stormwater?

* General definition of stormwater: Stormwater is the water produced from precipitation during a storm that can be measured in a downstream river, stream, pipe, etc. shortly after the precipitation has occurred. * Regulatory definition of stormwater: Stormwater is water that passes through an engineered structure (e.g. pipe or gutter). * Hydrologic definition of stormwater: Stormwater is water produced from precipitation during a storm that reaches a stream channel rapidly and causes an increase in water discharge of the stream. The path of transport may be natural or manmade.

What are the differences between post precipitation and co - precipitation?

Post-precipitation involves separate precipitation steps after the initial precipitation reaction, while co-precipitation involves simultaneous precipitation of multiple compounds. Post-precipitation is used to remove impurities after the main precipitation reaction, while co-precipitation can involve trapping impurities within the precipitate.

What is water in the gaseous state which is produced by evaporation or transpiration?

Water in the gaseous state produced by evaporation or transpiration is known as water vapor. It is an important component of the Earth's atmosphere and plays a crucial role in the water cycle by condensing into clouds and falling back to Earth as precipitation.

What might you see if refraction occurred during precipitation?

If refraction occurred during precipitation, you might observe a phenomenon known as a rainbow. This happens when sunlight is refracted and dispersed by raindrops, creating a spectrum of colors in the sky.