

What is primitive war?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is primitive war?
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How do you spell primitive?

Primitive is spelled the way you spelled it: primitive.

How do you summon primitive god soroga war envoy in YU GI OH?

Sorry but there is no card by that name

Did you have submarines in the Civil War?

One primitive submarine was used in the Civil War. It destroyed a Union ship but the sub also sank after its only attack.

What weapons did the military have in world war 1?

Pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, grenades, mines, artillery, rudimentary tanks, primitive airplanes dropping primitive bombs, and poison gas.

What does it means rattenkrieg?

Rattenkrieg is a German word and means war of the rats. It's refers to having a primitive existence.

Primitive in a sentence?

Living in a cave is primitive.

Is primitive an adjective?

Yes, primitive is an adjective.

What is a primitive animal?

A primitive animal is a type of organism that is considered to be simple in structure and function compared to more complex organisms. These animals often exhibit features that are similar to ancestral forms, reflecting an earlier stage of evolution. Examples of primitive animals include sponges and jellyfish.

What is the biology of the man o war?

It's a cnidarian. Has a primitive difuse nervous system and cells specialised in delivering toxins.

What technology emerged in World War 1?

They invented primitive light tanks. They also invented the first machine gun.

What are primitive variables?

Primitive variables are variables that are not objects and carry primitive values like numbers, boolean etc. The primitive data types in java are:intbytefloatcharlongbooleanshortdouble

Can you put primitive in a sentence?

Amoeba are primitive cells.