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Q: What is process by which energy moves through an ecosystem can be represented by what?
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What is the main process by which energy enters an ecosystem?

Through sunlight.

What is the main process by which energy enters the ecosystem?

Possibly through photosythesis

What process changes light energy into chemical energy in an ecosystem?

Photosynthesis is the process that changes light energy into chemical energy in an ecosystem.

How does energy flow through the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem?

How does energy flow through an ecosystem?

Where does the primary source of all energy in an ecosystem come from?

The primary source of energy in an ecosystem is the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants and other photosynthetic organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy, in the form of glucose. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume plants or other organisms for energy.

What shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy Pyramid

How does energy moves through ecosystem?

the sun

What is the typical movement of energy through an ecosystem?

The typical movement of energy through an ecosystem is upward. This means that food flows through the different animals that eat each other.

What are the dynamics of any ecosystem?

two major process 1 = cycling of nutrient 2= chemical energy (food)

What shows how energy moves through an ecosystem is known as what?

energy pyramid

What is represented by am energy pyramid?

The energy in an ecosystem/food chain. The bottom is bigger because plants get the most energy, and they pass it on to herbivores when they are eaten, and so on and so on.

What does not cycle repeatedly through the earths ecosystem?
