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Q: What is process cycle efficiency?
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Why carnot cycle are consider as ideal reversible cycle?

carnot cycle is the highiest efficiency

What is manufacturing cycle efficiency?

Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency is value add (VA) time divided by non-value add(NVA) time. That is, in the entirety of a process flow or value stream flow, the total of value added time divided by the total of non-value added time. For example, total manufacturing cycle time of 28 days. Of the total, let's say there is 1 day worth of VA time and 27 days of NVA time. That means your cycle efficiency comes to 3.7%.

What compares the energy output of a system with its energy input?

Is it's Energy Efficiency.

What is the efficiency of a transformer?

The "all day" efficiency of a transformer is defined as the ratio of energy out/energy in for a given all day cycle.

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What is the process that is the basis of the carbon cycle?

process that is the basis of the carbon cycle

Why is the Krebs cycle used?

Because of it's [cyclic] efficiency.

What has to happen for a process to be classified as a cycle?

If the process repeats itself then it is classified as a cycle.

The rock cycle is a WHAT and dynamic process?

The Rock cycle is a continuous and dynamic process

A term to describe the efficiency of the metabolism and the recovery cycle?

Metabolic rate.

How do water cycle process?

process what?

What concept is used to address the interplay between system performance availability (reliability maintainability and supportability) process efficiency and system life cycle cost?

Affordable System Operational Effectiveness (ASOE)