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A covalent bond is formed when sharing electrons.

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Q: What is produced by the sharing of electrons in the outer energy shells of atoms?
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He theorized that electrons traveled in energy?

Aufbau theorized that electrons travelled in energy shells, hence the Aufbau diagram...

How are the electrons arranged?

electrons are arranged in energy levels, or shells, around the nucleus of an atom.

Area where electrons travel around necleus?

Energy levels or energy shells or orbits

How many energy shells does actinium have?

The electrons in actinium are disposed on seven energy levels.

What is electronic shells?

A shell surrounding the nucleus of an atom containing electrons.

What is the outer most energy level of an atom?

This is the valence shell and is involved in bonding e.g. the sharing or loss of electrons to form a molecule or giant structure. Inner shells do not take part in bonding though their shielding effect and repulsion does affect the loss and gain of electrons from this shell.

How many shells does actinium have?

The electrons in actinium are disposed on seven energy levels.

How many electrons shells would you expect to find in sulphur atom?

Sulfur contains atoms in three energy shells.

Is it true electrons gain energy as they move down the chain?

No. Electrons gain energy as they move up the chain, i.e. in more outer shells.

In tungsten how many outer shells are there?

Tungsten atoms contain six energy levels (shells). The outermost energy level is the sixth energy level. It has two electrons in the 6s sublevel.

What are the energy levels or energy shells and why is the outermost one important?

Energy level or energy shells are the specific locations where the electrons revolve around the nucleus. Each energy level is associated with specific amount of energy. The outermost is most important because it is the one which accepts the electrons from outside the atom or looses the electron.

Why are noble gases are non reactive?

They have filled valence shells. Atoms undergo chemical bonding in order to have filled valence shells by sharing electrons or transferring electrons. Because the noble gases already have filled valence shells, they have no need to react with other elements.