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Q: What is produced in muscles and causes cramping if no oxygen is present?
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Is cramping linked to potassium deficiency?

Cramping is definitely linked to potassium deficiency, in the fact that your muscles and bones are causing you to have your cramps. When you don't have enough potassium, it causes problems with your bones and muscles.

What acid causes muscles to ache produced by milk?

Lactic acid causes muscles to ache

What causes muscle cramping after rigorous exercise or repeated movement?

Your muscles cramp up after exercise if you do not stretch

What actions are associated with use of magnesium to treat premenstrual syndrome?

Reduces the fluid retention that causes bloating, may help relax smooth muscles and reduce cramping.

What can lactic acid do to the body?

causes cramping

Which chemical makes your muscles sore after working out?

When muscles are over-exerted, the muscle cells carry out anaerobic respiration to compensate for the oxygen deficit. Lactic acid produced as a result of this causes muscles to become sore or develop cramps.

What is the cause of intense cramping?

Cramping can have various causes. Menstruation, a tight belt, foods that produce gas in the intestines, unsuitable foods, adhesions in the intestines after an operation can all cause cramping. ./Brian W

What specific organic compound builds up in the blood and muscles when a runner completes a more difficult run than usual and causes heavy breathing and painfully cramping muscles?

The organic compound is lactic acid. It is a by product of cellular respiration and is produced in higher amounts during ANY form of strenuous activity, or when a person has a neurological condition which causes frequent intramuscular movements (such as spasms; tremors). It can also occur in hot weather and dehydration.It can cause stomach pain, cramping in striated muscles (thighs and calves mainly), and can affect cardiac (smooth) muscles, too.Lactic acidosis is the condition. The respiratory system tries to compensate to get rid of the acidosis. Breathing becomes rapid and labored. Pulse and heart rate increase.Electrolyte balance must be restored through drinks like Gatorade; if acidosis is severe, IV fluid replacement is needed. IVs are generally administered "wide open" to quickly increase blood volume, dilute the lactic acid blood concentration, and to push the kidneys to process the waste faster. Usually fluids immediately stops the cramping of muscles, slows heart rate and breathing, and restores homeostasis.

What causes finger and toe cramps?

at night i have painful cramping and sometimes numbness in my fingers and toes

What causes loose abdominal muscles?

The causes of loose abdominal muscles include extreme weight loss and pregnancy.

What causes muscle cramping after vigorous exercise or repeated movement?

Muscle contraction and relaxation require salts which are lost through sweat during vigorous exercise. This causes some muscles particularly low in these materials to contract uncontrollably, creating a cramp.

When lactate builds in a runners muscles it causes a burning sensation. what causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.