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Flavio Mitchell

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Q: What is produced when objects reflect light?
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What color is produced when objects reflect light?


Do only shiny objects reflect light?

No, everything that we can see (besides objects the produce light eg sun, light bulb) reflect light. If it didn't reflect light we would not be able to see it.

Could dark objects reflect light?

Yes. There is hardly anything that reflects NO light; dark objects simply reflect less light than light objects.

Why cant light pass through dark objects?

Dark objects do not reflect light. Light is absorbed by them.

What is it called when objects reflect light?


Why can't you see reflection in all objects that reflect light?

You cannot see your reflection in all objects that reflect light because of diffuse reflection.

Why cant you see your reflection in all objects that replect light?

You cannot see your reflection in all objects that reflect light because of diffuse reflection.

Why do you see lemons as yellow?

All objects reflect the color of light that you see. Thus; lemons reflect yellow light rays, limes reflect green ones, and Oranges reflect orange light rays. On a final note, white objects reflect all colored light waves, and black objects reflect none. With that said, the cones in your retina register these reflected light rays; thus, it makes sense that rooms without any light are black.

What do you call objects that reflect the light from something else?

non-luminous objects

What objects reflect light well?

glass ,mirror

What the objects are called that don't reflect light?


Why do light coloured objects reflect radiation more than dark coloured objects?

Because dark colours absorbs light, and energy;and its named absortion coefficient. ============================== Some substances and objects made from them reflect more light and absorb less. Other substances and objects made from them reflect less light and absorb more. The ones that reflect more and absorb less are the ones that appear lighter to us. Why ? Because they absorb less light and reflect more of it toward our eyes.