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Q: What is profit ceiling in substitutes development?
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Development firms speculate on an amount of land to purchase--based on salability--and develop accordingly, in order to maximize profit

What needs to be included in a profit loss statement?

According to the Small Business Development site there are a number of things that need to be included in a profit and loss statement. Some of these include revenue, cost of goods sold, gross profit, expenses, and your net profit.

When was The Love Substitutes created?

The Love Substitutes was created in 2004.

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Child Development Degrees?

There are some for profit schools that offer Child Development Degrees online but they are not accredited. The only way to get a good child development degree is to take a class a a college and not online.

If there are no readily available substitutes for a product it will tend to have what?

When there are more substitutes for a product, the ________ for the product is ________.

What is non profit development director?

A nonprofit development director raises contributed income for the agency. That income may be generated from grants, events or direct asks of individuals.

Can you give me example of pronoun in a sentence?

1. I love you2. That reminds me of something.3. He looked at them.4. Take it or leave it.5. Who would say such a thing?Note: a pronoun is a word that substitutes for a nounIn the above1. I substitutes for my name. You substitutes for your name2. That substitutes for the name of whatever reminds me. Me substitutes for my name and something substitutes for the name of whatever I was reminded of3. He substitutes for his name and themsubstitutes for the names of what he looked at4. It substitutes (twice) for the name of whatever you are to take or leave!5. Who substitutes for the names of all the people who would (or wouldn't?)say such a thing!

Should businesses do anything to make a profit during world war 2?

Profit money was and is used to upgrade equipment, pay wages to nonproductive personal (research and development) and employees benefit's. The Soviet Union tried the no profit path and failed.

When was So Much for Substitutes created?

So Much for Substitutes was created in 2020-12.