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Prosterity= appropriation of children by fatherhood, Pros= Greek prefix meaning male

Posterity= appropriation of children from fatherhood, Pos or poss= Greek prefix female

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Q: What is prosterity?
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What is the definition of prosterity?

"Prosterity" is not a word. What you probably wanted is "Posterity" which means future generations. You are recorded for the benefit of those who come after you, hence: 'this congress is to be recorded for posterity'.

What does the word prosterity mean?

Prosperity is the state of begin prosperous.

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We the people the ppl in order more perfect domestic tanquility common wellfare secure liberty prosterity establish constitution

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The purpose our government is form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty and our prosterity.

What are some goals of the US Constitution?

. 1) form a more perfect union (more perfect win 2) ensure domestic tranquility 3) provide for the common defense 4) promote the general welfare 5) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosterity 6) establish justice god bless the USA

How did the beatles become so successful?

To be very realistic its mainly because of the racist era, LSD days, and the babyboom. To explain the performers were white which gave them atleast half the peoples concent & attenton since we were still in the civil rights movement, LSD, a strong drug that rocked the states imbrassing the "hippie lifestyle" using the beatles music as a suppliment of lust and high & finally the babyboom, an era in the late 1940s to around 1970s people producing extreme amounts of babys and prosterity, since the beatles were young little girls loved them to death and just fell in love as well as young boys (probably homosexual) case & point Justin beiber! hope this was helpful