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The body and blood of Christ received in remembrance of His death till He comes....most believe Christ is actually really present there with them but that the elements are merely symbolic, as opposed to Roman Catholics who believe the wafer actually becomes His flesh and the wine His physical blood (transubstantiation)

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Q: What is protestant communion?
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Can a protestant divorced woman who partake of holy communion in a catholic church?


What is required of you before receiving communion at protestant church?

don't take it if your not saved or been baptize

What is hugeunot?

A member of the Reformed or Calvinistic communion in France in the 16th and 17th centuries; a French Protestant

How many sacraments of initiation are ther?

In the Roman Catholic Tradition, there are 3. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist (Holy Communion). In most Protestant churches, Baptism and Communion are the only sacraments.

Can a Protestant who marries a Catholic man in a Catholic ceremony take Communion after their Marriage?

Only if you have converted to Catholicism, been catechized, baptized, and received First Holy Communion in a Catholic Church.

Can a protestant divorcee receive Holy Communion if you are married to a divorced Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe only people who may receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church are Catholics in good standing, who have been to confession at least once in the last year and have no mortal sin on their souls; they must have made their first Holy Communion and be fasting for one hour. A protestant, regardless of their marital status would never be eligible to receive Holy Communion until they had converted.

Who can receive communion in a protestant church?

To begin with, neither Catholics nor Orthodox may receive communion in a Protestant church. Most Protestant churches allow them to, but the Catholic and Orthodox churches do not allow their respective members to receive in a Protestant church. That said, the short answer is: Protestants may receive communion in a Protestant church. The long answer is: It varies from one Protestant denomination to the next, and sometimes one congregation to the next. The United Methodists, Episcopal Church, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church have open communion, and that pretty much means, if you're a baptized Christian, you may receive. There are others that fit this category. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod practices closed communion, only those of their own group (and possibly WELS Lutherans but I'm not sure) may receive. Baptists vary. Many have open communion, and some just keep it among Baptists of their own denomination or group. As you can see, it is not an easy question. So my final advice is to call the church office, or ask an usher or the pastor at a convenient time before the service you are attending. That way you'll know what's appropriate for that service.

Do Protestants celebrate the Eucharist?

Yes. It is often called "Communion" or "The Lord's Supper" and most Protestant churches celebrate it regularly.

What are 2 sacraments in protestant church?

Baptism and the Lord's Supper

How did protestant ministers differ from priests?

Protestant ministers do not receive Holy Orders and so as far as the Catholic Church is concerned are no more than laymen active in their particular ecclesial communion's organization.

Can a divorced Protestant become a Catholic nun?

A divorced Protestant woman can not take communion in the Catholic church. According to the Catholic church a divorced woman is committing adultery and can not become a nun.

Why do some protestant church members wait until everyone has communion before drinking?

Mostly tradition. In some circles, it's considered good manners.