

What is proved correct?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Wiki User

12y ago

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Model: The sheep are white. – The sheep is white.

  1. The deer are eating the hay.

  2. The analyses were proved correct.

  3. The Sopranos performed with the orchestra.

  4. The scarves kept him warm.

  5. The facilities are open to the public.

  6. The bridges will soon be completed.

  7. The shoes fit well.

  8. The wolves howl every night.

  9. The potatoes have been boiled.

  10. The oases are visited by many travellers.

  11. The phenomena surprised us.

  12. The gentlemen would like to have breakfast early.

  13. Your feet are size ten.

  14. The stimuli have been found to be effective.

  15. The archipelagoes lie off the coast of South America.

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Akaru Kuzenbay

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3y ago
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Q: What is proved correct?
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