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As with the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, Bundy had no family history of extreme abuse that is common with many of these types of killers. Charles Manson's childhood is a lesson in abuse and abandonment, and so it is logical that he became what he did. Whatever Bundy's reason, it originated inside him. There is so much that is not understood about human behaviour, especially when something goes dangerously wrong, such as in the case of Ted Bundy. But some progress has been made about personality disorders such as Antisocial and Narssistic personality disorders. These types of disorders are common among serial killers and other dangerous criminals.

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12y ago

Ted Bundy kept misleading the authorities trying to get out of execution and for certain no one knows his motivation. He said bad porn made him do it but hundred of people watch bad porno and they don't become a serial killer.

//Scientifically speaking, there are still many 'unknowns' into the minds of killers like Ted Bundy. But evidence seems to point to early childhood. Many killers, Ted Bundy included, are thought to early on combine sexual impulses, violence and a strong need to dominate another human. For Bundy in particular, he was aroused sexually, not by the raping of his victims, but watching the life go out of their eyes as he killed them. Believe it or not, this was Bundy's motivation to kill over and over again. Even when he realized that eventually he would be caught, he did not stop. Not that he couldn't but that he didn't want to. In Bundy's case, he paid the ultimate price, that of his own life.

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10y ago

As is true of most humans, it is difficult to sum them up in just a few sentences. Bundy was, among other things, suffering from a personality disorder called APD (anti-social personality disorder) which in it's most simplified explanation is a lack of a conscience. The vast majority of people have the inner voice we call a conscience. Bundy could only feel as it applied to him, lacking empathy for the rest of creation. There is no definitive, simple answer for why someone becomes a Ted Bundy but it is thought to be a combination of nature and nurture, part genetic pre-disposition and early childhood experiences. What does seem obvious is that many killers like Bundy exhibit disturbing behavior beginning in early childhood.

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No, Ted Bundy is not single.

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Edgar Bundy died in 1922.

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