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oxygenated blood

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Q: What is pumped from the left hand side of the heart out to the rest of the body?
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How does Blood flow from left foot to right hand?

The oxygen rich blood is usually pumped out of the heart from the left side. It is then pumped to the various parts of the body.

Where does the blood get pumped?

The left venricular chamber of the heart is responsible for pumping the blood throughout the body

Where is the blood in the heart going to?

Blood goes into the right side of the heart from the body then pumped to the lungs for purification( this is when oxygen is mixed with haemoglobin( a substance in the body) to make the blood cleaned, it is then pumped to the left side of the heart were it is transported to every part of the body, then the circulation starts all over again.............

What type of blood is pumped on the left side of the heart?

The left side of the heart receives the oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body.

Blood is pumped out of the heart by what chambers?

The blood is pumped out of the heart, when it is oxygenated, through the left atrium and left ventricle into the aorta.

How does the blood on the right side of the heart differ from the one on the left heart?

On the right side of the heart there is deoxygenated blood which has already been pumped round the body and is now returning to the heart. On the left side of the heart there is oxygenated blood which has just come from the lungs and is about to be pumped round the body Hope this is useful can't quite renember the names and technical words.. sorry...

Which hand is put over the heart during the pledge?

your right hand, over your heart (left side of your body)

Oxygenated blood leaves through which ventricle?

Oxygenated blood is pumped out of the heart by the left ventricle.

Where does the left atrium pump blood?

left ventricleThrough the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle.It is then pumped into the left ventricle, after that it is pumped into the aorta and all around the body except the lungsAfter the blood enters the atrium, it passes into the left and right ventricles. From there, it is pumped to the lungs (right ventricle) and the rest of the body (left ventricle). In the lungs, it is oxygenated, then is pumped back to the heart. In the body, it is de-oxygenated and is pumped back to the heart. The blood that came from the body goes into the right atrium, where the process repeats. The blood that came from the lungs goes into the left atrium, where the process repeats.

What is the name of blood vessel that takes blood to the left atrium?

The pulmonary vein. Veins go to the heart, arteries come out. Even though the blood is oxygenated, it still travels through a vein to get to the heart. I'll leave it to you to figure out the pulmonary artery.

Why is blood pumped to the lungs before it is pumped to the body?

so it has oxygen to give to the rest of the body boooyeh ;)

What are four functions of the heart?

There are 4 chambers of the heart and here are what they do. The Right atria is where blood comes into this part from the vena cava and is pumped to the right ventricle The Right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs Left atria is where the blood returns to the heart through the left atria Left ventricle is where the blood is pumped from the aorta to the rest of the body