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i believe that there are no passive verbs in English only passive voice of most verbs like i am doing it assi onand it is being done but passive verbs in other language that do have them are the verbs that can only be done but not doing it while quasi ones would be the ones that thou have passive form they are not really being done onto an objest but a subject is actively doing them onty an objest. in both cases an action is being done by a subject onto an object but while in active voice the action is being viewed and said about from the doers voint of view while in the passive form it is the objct that is kind of talking about what is being done to it by a subject of the action,in quasi form it is actually an active action looked on from the doers point of view that isbeing said in the passive voice thou it is an active subjects speaking about her action

this is what i think about it thou inot sure am


i wrote this in hurry

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there are no passive verbs in English only passive voice of most verbs but passive verbs in other language that do have them are the verbs that can only be done but not doing it while quasi ones would be the ones that thou have passive form they are not really being done onto an objest but a subject is actively doing them onty an objest. in both cases an action is being done by a subject onto an object but while in active voice the action is being viewed and said about from the doers voint of view while in the passive form it is the objct that is kind of talking about what is being done to it by a subject of the action,in quasi form it is actually an active action looked on from the doers point of view that isbeing said in the passive voice .

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Is is a passive verb or active verb?

Is is a present tense singular be verb.A verb by itself cannot be passive. The passive is formed this way:be verb + past participle.Is can be used to make a passive verb phrase.A sample is taken every hour. - is taken = be verb + past participle

Is this phrase a verb mood linking verb or future passive You will be seen?

future passive

What is 'passive' in English grammar?

the passive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject receives the action of a transitive verb. Passive voice emphasizes the process rather than who is performing the action. Passive (or passive verb) refers more generally to verbs using this construction and the passages in which they are used. In English, a passive verb is periphrastic; that is, it does not have a one-word form, but consists of an auxiliary verb plus the past participle of the transitive verb. The auxiliary verb usually is a form of the verb to be, but other auxiliary verbs, such as get, are sometimes used. The passive voice can be used in any number of tenses. The process of changing an active verb into a passive one is called passivization. Passivization is a valence-decreasing process, and it is sometimes referred to as a detranzitivizing process, because it changes transitive verbs into intransitives.

What is the difference between passive voice and compound nominal predicate?

The passive voice applies to a verb and its clause; the compound nominal predicate is the verb and its qualifiers which may be in the active or passive voice.

What is the verb phrase in Have those socks been washed in the last month?

been washed. This is a passive verb phrase.

Related questions

What is quasi-passive verb?

A quasi-passive verb is a verb form that resembles a passive construction but does not actually involve a passive voice. It often consists of an intransitive verb followed by a subject complement that appears to be the object of the action. Examples include "The bread smells delicious" and "The flowers look beautiful."

Is have a passive verb?

Yes, "is" is a form of the verb "to be," which can be used in passive constructions.

Is is a passive verb or active verb?

Is is a present tense singular be verb.A verb by itself cannot be passive. The passive is formed this way:be verb + past participle.Is can be used to make a passive verb phrase.A sample is taken every hour. - is taken = be verb + past participle

Is overworked a passive verb?

No.A passive verb phrase consists of - be verb + past participle.Overworked is the past participle of overwork but it must have a be verb with it to be a passive verb phrase. egThe staff are overworked by the bosses.

Is this phrase a verb mood linking verb or future passive You will be seen?

future passive

What type of verb is we were trapped?

"We were trapped" is a past tense passive verb phrase, where "were" functions as the auxiliary verb for "trapped", which is the main verb in passive voice.

Is happened a passive verb?

No. Happened is a past tense verb. It is the past tense of happen.A passive verb phrase has this form -- be + past The butter is kept in the cupboard.I think you cannot use happen in a passive sentence.

Is the phrase a toad kissed you active or passive?

Its passive because the verb "KISSED" is in past form of verb.

Is the verb of this sentence active or passive?

Please provide the sentence so I can determine if the verb is active or passive.

What are the two voices of verb?

The two voices of a verb are active voice and passive voice. In active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb.

What is the passive form of the verb rang?

Verbs do not have passive forms, verbs combine with beverbs to form passive verb phrases. Passive verb phrases are formed with - be + past participle.For ring (rang is the past form of ring) the past participle is rung so a passive verb phrase could be - is rung, are rung, was rung, were rung, was being rung.

When is a verb said to be in the passive voice?

A verb is said to be in the passive voice when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb, rather than performing the action. In passive voice constructions, the focus is on the recipient of the action rather than the doer. A common indicator of passive voice is the inclusion of a form of "be" (e.g., is, was, were) with the past participle of the main verb.