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We might generally characterize something that radiates light energy as luminescent. There are different reasons materials or substances radiate light, and a term like bio-luminescentmight appear. There are organisms that generate light, like a firefly (to name one). The term radio-luminescent might refer to the something like the glow of radium, which was painted on aircraft instrument indicators so they could be seen in the dark. Radioactive decay is the source of the energy that creates the light in that case. There are "variations" like incandescent, which is the generation of light with thermal (heat) energy as its source. A "regular" light bulb does this (having converted electrical energy into thermal energy as a first step). The term fluorescent refers to the generation of light directly from the ionizing effects of electricity, and we know about fluorescent lights, too. We might also encounter a couple of other odd terms with "escent" at the end that speak to this property.

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Q: What is radiating or reflecting light called?
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What is radiation or reflecting light?

When an object is radiating light, it means that the object produces light. When an object is reflecting light, it means that light "bounces off" the surface of that object.

What is a radiating light?

When a light is "Radiating", it means it is "Producing" light.

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A black body.

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Visible light causes reflection of light in all directions

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Giving off is emitting it and reflecting light is reflecting it

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Reflection. The reflecting power of the surface is called its albedo.

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The phenomena of sending back of light is called reflection of light. And the surfaces which reflects light back are called reflecting surfaces.

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Cameras and reflecting telescopes gather light using mirrors and lenses.

What does radiating or reflecting light mean?

Light is radiated from the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. Radiation is a "shining out" from whatever is making the light. When we see the Moon we are seeing it because the Sun has radiated light out into space and some of it has lit up the Moon, which then reflects the moonlight to Earth. Light is reflected best by smooth and shiny materials such as plain glass or mirror glass.

Does a reflecting telescope gather light with a lens or a mirror?

reflecting telescope gathers light from mirror

Can the moon be also called a full moon?

yes when half the moon is reflecting the suns light