

What is radical oxidation?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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โˆ™ 6y ago

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A radical is a molecule or an atom with unpaired electrons and is very reactive.

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โˆ™ 6y ago

This is the oxidation by radicals as OH, HO2, NO3, O3, occuring in atmosphere.

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Why is oxidation important in the human body?

Oxidation is important in the human body because it is a key process involved in producing energy from food. It helps break down nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to generate ATP, the body's main energy source. However, excessive oxidation can also lead to the production of free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to aging and disease.

Is hydroxy radical an oxidizing agent?

Yes, the hydroxy radical (OHยท) is a highly reactive oxidizing agent. It is known for its ability to participate in a wide range of oxidation reactions in various chemical and biological systems.

What are some examples of radical?

Hydrogen Peroxide is an example of a free radical. A free radical works by causing the oxidation of another atom. Free radicals are highly reactive because they are missing an electron. They will take that electron from any plant, human, or animal atom in a cell. That atom is then missing an electron and becomes a free radical itself. When any compound has the suffix -oxide in it, that usually hints that it is a free radical and would be considered basic on the pH scale.

Is a molecule that has lost electrons been reduced?

OIL RIGOxidation Is Loss (of electrons)Reduction Is Gain (of electrons)So no, a molecule which has lost electrons has a positive charge and so has been oxidised

What are some examples of free radicals?

Hydrogen Peroxide is an example of a free radical. A free radical works by causing the oxidation of another atom. Free radicals are highly reactive because they are missing an electron. They will take that electron from any plant, human, or animal atom in a cell. That atom is then missing an electron and becomes a free radical itself. When any compound has the suffix -oxide in it, that usually hints that it is a free radical and would be considered basic on the pH scale.

What is a ''Radical'' in mathematics?

A radical is a root.A radical is a root.A radical is a root.A radical is a root.

What is the radical approximation of radical 11?

There is no reasonable radical approximation for radical 11.

Example of radical in addition?

Here is an example, radical 20 plus radical 5. Now radical 20 is 2(radical 5) so we can add radical 5 and 2 radical 5 and we have 3 radical 5.

The expression radical 3x is equivalent to the expression x radical 3?

Radical (3x) = radical(x) * radical(3).

Is molecular oxygen needed through the whole process of oxidation?

No. Oxygen is only needed during the first few steps of oxidation. What happens is that when a free radical is abstracted from a molecule (like a fat molecule), the left over free radical reacts with any high energy molecules around it, like oxygen. The oxygen bonds to the molecule forming a peroxide and then a hydroperoxide. After this step, oxygen is no longer needed. Eventually, this hydroperoxide breaks down, forming alcohols, ketones, and aldehydes, which gives certain rancid smells.

What is a stable radical?

A stable radical is a radical that is not changing. A radical is a molecule or atom that has an unpaired electron.

What is -3 radical 2 radical 50?

-3*radical(2)*radical(50) = -3*radical(2*50) = -3*radical(100) = -3*10 = -30