

What is ramp input?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is ramp input?
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What is ramp rate?

We are calculating the response time of the ramp input signal (temperature), ramp rate is a Temperature varies linearly with time.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchair up a ramp change if you increase the height of the ramp but not its length?

The input force would increase as the height of the ramp increased. It wouldn't matter the distance. Ask me another one.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchair up a ramp change if you increased the height of the ramp but not it's length?

The input force would increase as the height of the ramp increased. It wouldn't matter the distance. Ask me another one.

A ramp increases what of the input force?

The height.=====================Answer #2:The mechanical advantage.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchairup a rampchange if you increased the height of the ramp but not it's length?

The input force would increase as the height of the ramp increased. It wouldn't matter the distance. Ask me another one.

How would the input force needed to push a wheelchair up a ramp change if you increase the height of the ramp but not its lenght?

The effort needed would increase.

If the input work was 1000 and the output work was 600 what was the mechanical efficiency of using the ramp?

It is output/input x 100, i.e. 60%.

Is there a Distance in and distance out of an inclined plane?

the input distance is the distance that you push the object up the ramp. this distance allows you to go up how ever far the tallest point of the ramp is. this is the output distance.

How does a ramp help to make work easier?

A ramp makes work easier by letting you elevate an object with less input force.

What is the input and output force of a handicapped ramp?

The input force is where you put force in. This will be the push with the perosn in the wheelchair. The output force right. The output force it where see ya. nvm

What are the functions of an incline plane?

Allows mechanical advantage, > Output force = Input force * (distance travelled up and parallel to ramp / vertical distance travelled)

Example of a ramp?

One example of a ramp is a wheelchair ramp.