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Q: What is rapidly moving air caused by differences in pressure?
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Can Air pressure cause strong winds?

Wind is moving air that is caused by differences in air pressure inside our atmosphere. The air below high pressure moves toward areas of low pressure. The greater the variation in pressure, the quicker the air runs.

What is Windand what causes it?

Movement of air is caused by temperature or pressure differences and is ... This is due to the rotation of the Earth beneath the moving air, the natural perceptable movement of it is called wind

What best describes a cause of wind?

It is caused by differences in the atmospheric pressure

What does differential heating cause?

Differential heating causes wind because the air over one surface being warmer than the air over another results in different air pressures. Wind is caused by air moving from a high pressure system to a low pressure system. This requires differences in air pressure, which is caused by differential heating.

Why does air in the atmosphere move?

Temperature differences is why air moves in the atmosphere. Hot air rises, cold air falls. With these temperature difference comes pressure differences and these temp. and pressure differences are what keep the air moving. Theoretically, if there were no temp. or pressure differences in the atmosphere, air would not move.

Why was Mercury given it's name?

In Greek mythology, Mercury was the messanger of the Gods, moving rapidly from place to place performing his functions. The planet Mercury has been known to people from ancient times and appears to be the most rapidly moving of the planets. Since the planets were named for the gods, the connection with a rapidly moving god caused the planet to be named Mercury.

What is Burnuli's princible?

the moving pressure is less than the pressure caused by surronding fluids. Burnmolis princible is responsible for flight.-Rebecca a

Are earthquakes caused by wind?

No, earthquakes cannot be caused by the wind at all. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plate boundaries, where the moving plates generate pressure. The pressure is released as an earthquake. Occasionally earthquakes may be caused by volcanoes, but this is simply another effect of moving tectonic plates. So the wind has no influence whatsoever on earthquakes or seismic activity.

What is A complete circle of moving liquid or gas caused by temperature differences?

Its called CONVECTION or CONVECTION CELL some times

How does that heat travel the stove to the water in the kettle?

Energy in the form of rapidly moving molecules that are transferred to the kettle, which transfers to the water itself. The heat is caused by the friction of the molecules caused by the heating source.

What is air moving in a specific direction?

From areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Hope this helps! :)

How an airspeed indicator works?

the airspeed indicator works by measuring the increase in air pressure caused by the moving aircraft