

What is rare faction of sound wave?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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13y ago

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A rare faction is an area of a sound wave where there is lesser compression of the medium,ie Rarefaction is the reduction of a medium's density, or the opposite of compression

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2mo ago

A rarefaction is a region in a sound wave where the particles are spread out, resulting in lower pressure than the surrounding areas. This is in contrast to a compression, where particles are closer together and pressure is higher. Rarefactions and compressions alternate in a sound wave as it travels through a medium.

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No, a sound wave is a compressional wave.

What is rave faction Exaples?

Wave refraction to change in the wave speed or wavelength when a wave travels from one medium to another.

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The less dense areas created as a sound wave propagates are called rarefactions.

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No. A sound wave is a pressure wave.

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yes a sound wave is a Compressional wave

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The amplitude of a sound wave is the same as its volume.

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The amplitude of a sound wave affects its loudness. The greater the amplitude of a sound wave, the louder the sound. Amplitude is related to the intensity of the sound wave.

A sound wave has compressions that are very close to each other What is true about this sound wave?

The frequency of this sound wave is very near constant.

How is a quiet sound wave different from a loud sound wave?

A quiet sound wave has lower amplitude and intensity compared to a loud sound wave. This means the vibrations produced by the quiet sound wave are less forceful and have less energy, resulting in a softer sound.

What is the characteristic of a sound wave that corresponds to loudness?

The bigger the troughs of the sound wave and height of the wave corresponds to the loudness the higher the wave the louder the sound.

What is the result of a reflected sound wave?

The result of a reflected sound wave is obviously an echo.