

What is rarer to happen solar eclipse or lunar eclipse?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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A lunar eclipse can be seen from anywhere on the dark half of the Earth. A solar eclipse can be seen only from a strip 3000 miles wide, approximately the diameter of the Moon. So it seems that solar eclipses are less frequent.

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Q: What is rarer to happen solar eclipse or lunar eclipse?
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Is the solar eclipse rarer?

If you mean compared to a lunar eclipse, then yes.

Where solar and lunar eclipse happen?

Peoples anua

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What happens if you were born on the eclipse?

Nothing will happen if you are born during a solar or lunar eclipse.

How many years apart are the lunar and the solar eclipse?

4.1 Solar eclipse; 4.2 Lunar eclipse

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Eclipses in 2012 . . . -- May 20 . . . Annular solar eclipse -- June 4 . . . Partial lunar eclipse -- November 13 . . . Total solar eclipse -- November 28 . . . Penumbral lunar eclipse First one in 2013 . . . -- April 25 . . . Partial lunar eclipse

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lunar eclipse.

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A solar eclipse.

When will the next total solar eclipse happen in the Alaska area?

The next total lunar eclipse will happen in Alaska on December 21, 2010. The next total solar eclipse will happen in Alaska on August 21, 2017

Do eclipses happen often?

every 6 months For a lunar eclipse. solar eclipse take a lot longer.

Why are solar eclipses an interest?

They rarely ever happen, and it is cool to watch. (They happen on the average 2.3 times every year, same as lunar eclipses, but they're still cool to watch.) The thing that makes them seem rarer is that a little over half the planet sees every lunar eclipse. To see a solar eclipse, though, you have to be in a very specific region, so for any given spot you're likely to see a lot more lunar eclipses than solar ones.

Why is there a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?

There is a solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun from the Earth. A lunar eclipse is when the earth block the sun from the moon.