

What is reason for acne?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Acne normally comes in tweens, teens, and young adults because hormones are raging through your body. Or, it can be because you're not taking care of your skin. To help prevent acne, you should wash your face every morning and night. Or, you might be getting acne because your often putting your hands, cell phone, or sunglasses on your face and this is clogging your pores. Be careful not to touch your face too much.

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Q: What is reason for acne?
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From my own research, I have come to the conclusion that there is not enough evidence that shows that the acne diet actually works. It has never been proven that different foods can actually cause acne, so there is no reason to cut them from your diet purely for the purpose of getting rid of acne.

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I can't think of any reason why it would so probably not.

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The heat being on inside the house is one reason why acne may occur in the winter. The cold weather outside is another. Winter is rough on the skin for everyone.

Why do acnes come out?

Acne can develop for a number of reasons. The main reason acne develops is because a person is genetically more likely to have acne. This still isn't enough to cause it though. That person must also be eating and drinking certain foods that will cause acne. In certain people dairy and sugar can cause acne. Cutting these foods out can reduce or stop acne completely. A book called acne no more goes into detail about food and acne. Ultimately you need to remove these foods from your diet, else you will suffer with acne.

What could be the reason of acne issues?

Does he travel a lot and has irregular eating habits? Is there change in water? Acne could be due to many reasons. It is always good to show it to a dermatologist or a skin clinic.

How does cucumbers help acne?

saving you the scientific reason, it just "burns" and "kills" all the bacteria away.

What is the scientific name for acne?

Acne vulgaris

Do albinos get acne?

Pigment or the lack thereof has no connection whatsoever with bacterial growth. So, yes, there is absolutely no reason a person with albinism would not get acne based on the fact that they have albinism. People with albinism are humans, why the heck would acne not form? Unless there is some link to visual disability and perfect skin, or between protein pigments inhibiting or causing bacterial growth (WHICH THERE IS NOT) then yes, anyone can get acne.

Can dezor shampoo help clear acne and acne scars?

I am not really sure if this effective for acne and acne scars.

Is acne common after giving birth?

One reason people get acne is not washing your face and taking care of your face properly. Maybe you haven't taken the time to take care of yourself as much because you are focusing on taking care of the baby.

What is the pathogenesis of acne?

It refers to development of acne, also can be related to Acne Vulgaris.