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Differences of opinion can cause bad things to happen between people to the point where an act of violence or other harm can befall part of the community. this can lead to enemy groups seeking revenge which in turn leads to more wrong doing and violence only now everyone is under the impression that what they are doing is just , after all they are wrong not us. this leads to a situation where the energy spent on avenging some wrong ends up damaging the society's ability to move forward and make the best of it opportunity's to improve the safety comfort and lifestyle of its constituents. The only way to fix this problem is for people to get together and bury the hatchet admitting that after all they all want safety and prosperity for themselves and their children.

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Q: What is reconciliation and how is it important to your society?
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yes reconciliation is very important. It absolves you of your sins and helps you get closer to God. Answer The first answer is correct to a point. It does mean that you are reconciled to God. I do however have to stress that this reconciliation comes about only when you realize that Christs death was so that we would be resurrected, not to wipe out our sins that we have not repented of.

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Why is Reconciliation important?

Reconciliation is very important because through the sacrament of reconciliation you are sure that your sins are forgiven. Unlike Christians who pray silently and are not sure if their sins are forgiven, we can be sure. We confess with the priest and say our penance; we know that if we die at that moment we would go to heaven and have no sins in our souls. There are two types of sins mortal and venial; someone who dies with a mortal sin in their soul has little chance of making heaven.