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Really thin things, like 5mm of paper, are thick enough to shield aplha particles. That is because the energy force that moves the particle isn't strong enough to resist the obstacle.

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1w ago

Heavy and dense materials such as lead, concrete, or thick layers of aluminum are effective at shielding alpha particles due to their ability to absorb and block the particles. This absorption occurs because the high atomic number of these materials causes frequent collisions between the alpha particles and the atoms in the shielding material, which reduces the particles' ability to penetrate through.

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Q: What is required to shield alpha particles and why are those materials effective?
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What are three primary techniques for minimizing exposure to radiation and radioactive materials?

One is to stay away from it. Proximity is important. Another is to keep the exposure time as short as possible. A third way is to use an effective shield. This is very important. The actual nature of the shield is also very important, and depends on the nature of the radiation involved. Alpha particles can be shielded with almost anything, as long as they are not ingested or inhaled - they can be stopped by a piece of paper. Beta particles and gamma particles require a bit more, but can be shielded by materials with high atomic numbers, such as lead. Neutrons are not well shielded by lead, but are well shielded by water.

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Beta particles are not stopped by a paper sheet.

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It's useful, but not necessarily required if you already or still possess the Hylian shield.

Pyroclasic materials from shield volcanoes?

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The canadian shield is filled with fossil fuels. It is filled with mettalic materials and in alberta bc and saskatchewan is where you find oil and gas.

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