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The function of scratching an itchy spot is to relieve the sensation temporarily by causing pain signals to override the itch signals. However, excessive scratching can damage the skin and lead to infections, making it important to find alternative ways to manage the itch, such as using creams or taking antihistamines.

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Q: What is rhe function of i cannot stop myself from scratching that itchy spot?
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You cannot stop yourself from scratching that itchy spot?

When that happens, I put cortisone cream on it so it will leave me alone for a while.

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Horses get itchy, he is scratching his bottom.

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Fighting and marking their territory and scratching themselves if they are itchy.

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Just stretching out to get the really itchy spots.

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It means scratching. ( as in the sentence, when we feel itchy we may 'scratch' there)

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Lice are itchy, but scratching can lead to infection. In severe cases, hair may fall out.

After putting flea powde rmy kitten cannot stop from scratching herself?

Cats always scratch themselves at random times, but if your kitten is scratching itself too much, the powder could be causing the skin to be itchy. The flea powder could be effecting the fleas, causing the move around. If your kittens continues the scratching for more than one or two days or in the same place, check for a rash.

What is a non example of predict?

When you see your dog scratching his fur and you say "I'm predicting that my dog is itchy."

How soon do you need to treat shingles?

As soon as you can. These are very itchy and rubbing and scratching them can cause these to become infected. See the doctor soon.

Is wool itchy?

Some people think so, myself included. I have to wear a thin cotton shirt under my wool sweater.