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21 C is generally considered "room temperature". In Fahrenheit that's 70 degrees. Google calculator provides an easy converter (see links below).

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Q: What is room temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius?
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What is the standard room temperature in Celsius Fahrenheit and Kelvin?

The standard room temperature in Celsius is 21°c and in Fahrenheit is 70°f or 294k

Is a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, as 20 degrees Celsius is about normal room temperature. Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32

If the room is 68 degrees Fahrenheit what is the temperature in celsius?

It is 20 deg Celsius.

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The room temperature of anything is the temperature of the room it is in. Beryllium has the following important temperature points. Melting point --- 1560° Kelvin - 1278° Celsius - 2349° Fahrenheit Boiling point --- 2742° Kelvin - 2469° Celsius - 4476° Fahrenheit

What unit is used to measure the temperature in a room?

Fahrenheit or Centigrade (Celsius)

What is the average room temperature?

Average Room Temperature... Typically average room temperature is about 72 degrees Fahrenheit or roughly 21 degrees Celsius. It can also be 70 degrees Fahrenheit, too.

What is the temperature in degree celsius when a room thermometer read 77 fahrenheit?

25 grades Celsius

What temperature in Fahrenheit is 39.4 Celsius?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (39.4o Celsius)(1.80) + 32 = 102.9o Fahrenheit ==============

What is the room temperatures?

Average Room Temperature... Typically average room temperature is about 72 degrees Fahrenheit or roughly 21 degrees Celsius. It can also be 70 degrees Fahrenheit, too.

What temperature Fahrenheit equals Celsius?

At -40 Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same temperature.

Is your body temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Temperature is mesured in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius OR 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

What does 37.8 Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (37.8 degrees Celsius) * (1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 100.04 degrees -------------------------------------------------------