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water is the safest way to clean a cage. i would not take any chances with cleaning supplies because they may harm the animals. just soak/dry the cage with a towel.

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Q: What is safe for cleaning Hermit Crab cages?
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Can a hermit crab eat kiwi?

Yes, it is safe for hermit crabs to eat cucumber.

How does a hermit crab protect itself from its enemies?

It curls up in its shell. The animals cant eat the shell and are to stupid to crush it thus he hermit crab is safe.

Are plastic Hermit crab cages safe for hermit crabs?

yes i use to have one and we kept him in a tiny plastic cage but no netting on the edge make sure its safe though it probably depends on the crab. If it is a small crab you could put it in a plastick cage, but when it gets older and bigger you might want to change it. good luck!!

Is moon sand to toxic for hermit crabs?

Yes because moon sand has many chemicles in it that are not yet introuduced to the crab. Something may happen to the hermit crab so it would be safe not to put the hermit crab in the moon sand, since scientist have not experimented it and found out for sure.

How do you entertain your pet hermit crab?

Well, if crabs have big enough tanks they are fine for a while but if not you can let them crawl on clean, safe, low surfaces and some even clamp to the tips of your fingure! Anything safe will do, they're shells arren't the strongest so be sure that it's safe. Let them crawl on your hands and what not. I own 5 hermit's of my own X) Good luck!

Why is your hermit crab in his shell all day?

That is where he/she feels safe. It is also their house. They do not know that you aren't going to eat them.

Can you take a hermit crab for a walk outside of a 10 gallon tank?

It is safe to take a hermit crab out of the tank as long as the temperature is warm and the humidity is high. They can't go for "walks" like you would take a dog, but they can wander on a table or in the bathtub with careful supervision.

Can you feed your hermit crab strawberries?

You sure can, strawberries are healthy for hermit crabs and is safe. I would advise washing it under distilled/filtered water to remove any pesticides. I usually place a small chunk of strawberry for it usually spoils quickly.

What can you do with your pet hermit crab?

I can't say there's a lot to do with hermit crabs. If you play with them a lot, you can stress them out. But when you weekly bathe your hermit crabs, you can leave them out a little longer to play. By using safe and easy building supplies (like paper towel tubes) you can build an obstacle course for your crabs. You can also enter your hermit cabs in yearly competitions (most of them are in Georgia)

Do red clawed crab need saltwater?

All hermit crabs love sea salt. DO NOT GIVE IT TABLE SALT. IT WILL KILL THE HERMIT CRAB. All hermit crabs should have a small bowl of fresh water & salt water. You can purchase salt water from your local pet store. If you want fresh water you should give your hermit crab bottled water. Faucet water contains toxins which are bad for any pet. They will not die, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Can you touch a hermit crab after it just changed its shell?

It depends how long it has been from when he changed its shell. if it has been less than a day I wouldn't just in case but after a day it would be safe to.

What do you put in a sand crabs cage?

Sand of course! You will also need a sponge (forSTILLEDwater), a thermometer (for keeping track of the temperature to make sure your her hermits are safe), hermit crab food, if you want you can also put in accessories to make your hermit crabs feel at home, a dish for STILLED water (for your hermits to play in and keep cool), a bigger shell for your hermit crab to move into once he moves out of his old shell, and don't forget TO HAVE A FRIEND FOR YOUR OTHER HERMIE (and another shell)!!!