

What is science fiction plot?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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One example of a Science Fiction plot is "first contact." How would be treat aliens from another planet? How would these aliens treat us?

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Wuthering Heights is a novel by one of the Bronte sisters. it takes place in l8Th century England. Unless Ghosts are involved, there are no science-fiction or even speculative elements in the plot. There are odd plot twists in Jane Eyre- pronounced ( Aire), but that is no science fiction either. Mr. Rochester is a strange character to be sure.

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Star Trek

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Star trek

What is the fiction based on science?

Science Fiction is a fiction based on science.

What kinde of novel is ''Frankenstein''?

"Frankestein" is a Science Fiction novel,or gothic science fiction.

What does science fiction exclude?

Some would say that science fiction excludes fantasy but Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any significantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Science fiction authors have mixed science fiction with all other forms of literature. There are science fiction lyrics to songs, science fiction poetry, science fiction mixed with humor, science fiction mixed with westerns, science fiction mixed with romance.

Pi was featured as a key plot element during an episode of this popular science fiction?

Star Trek.