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There are numerous biases (e.g., knowing which subjects are assigned to which experimental groups). Most can be avoided by using proper Control procedures (e.g., using a double-blind design) and using proper control groups.

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Q: What is scientific bias and how do you avoid it?
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You need to avoid bias when you're a teacher.Because of the bias in his study, the results were rejected.

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People who perform experiments take some care to avoid introducing their personal bias into the results. But even if there is a bias, the same experiment may be done by other people who have other biases or who are more successful in working in an unbiased manner. Eventually, truth will emerge.

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Scientific inquiry attempts to avoid bias, prejudice, falsification of data, oversimplification, dishonesty of any type, superstition, etc. The investigator attempts to observe things as they are, rather than trying to force the observation to fit the theory.

Scientific method used to avoid psychological bias in medical research?

double blind method.Double-blind describes an especially stringent way of conducting an experiment, usually on human subjects, in an attempt to eliminate subjective bias on the part of both experimental subjects and the experimenters. In most cases, double-blind experiments are held to achieve a higher standard of scientific rigor.

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Is bias removed from scientific experimentation?

no it is not removed from the scientific experimentation. we don't actually know why yet but we will find out.