

What is secular faith?

Updated: 4/27/2024
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15y ago

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Secular faith is faith that does not interfere with or attempt to control any aspect of government. Essentially, government and religion coexist, but do not mix.

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1d ago

Secular faith refers to beliefs or values that are grounded in reason, evidence, and humanist principles rather than religious dogma or supernatural elements. It involves trust in humanity, science, and the potential for progress through rational inquiry and ethical living.

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faith, belief Does the above answer mean that the knowledge addressed to the followers of a secular ruling System is also based on "faith" or "belief"? To my knowledge, I don't think it is and this leads us that the common thing is actually not faith or belief. (Note: please move this reply to the discussion page when the answer is improved. Thank you.)

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There is no secular or non-secular reference for the subjective notion of a spiritual deity being involved with the Big Bang creation event. This subjective concept is more a faith based belief than a discernible theory.

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It is important to note that a person that holds a secular humanists viewpoint does not retain any specific opinion regarding wealth, however, it is sometimes incorrectly argued that humanists may be less inclined to share their wealth. Generally, secular humanists see money in much the same way as a person of faith. It would be fair to say that secular humanists are no more attracted to an extrinsic lifestyle when compared with other schools of thought. There is no evidence, for example, that a secular humanist would be less likely to use his or her wealth to support the work of charities; In fact there are many secular organisations which do just that.

Is secular humanism a form of atheism?

It certainly is! Secular Humanism is simply acknowledging your moral compass, and acting on it.AnswerIt means acting in a morally correct manner, with respect for all people regardless of gender, race, age, or faith. But Humanism itself is not a faith: it is a way of life which has no need for gods. All it needs is for people to be nice to each other. That requires no faith. In fact, faith would hinder that. The New Zealander Lloyd Gearing (a theologian and a reverend) clarifies what a humanist is: "Tomorrows God will have no hands but our hands, no voice but our voice, no mind but our mind, and no plan for the future except what we plan."

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Her father is from a Christian background and her mother was raised Jewish. It appears that Kristen is secular.