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Q: What is sericulture apiculture pisciculture and for what are they used?
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What is apiculture and sericulture?

Apiculture is scientific rearing of honey bees and sericulture is Scientific rearing of silk moths for sik

What are some words that end in culture?

sericulture, ostreiculture, stirpiculture, pomiculture, zooculture, horticulture, arboriculture, silviculture, sericiculture, counterculture, pisciculture, polyculture, viniculture, sylviculture, aquaculture, permaculture, subculture, electroculture, vermiculture, floriculture, aviculture, viticulture, agriculture, coculture, aquiculture, monoculture, mariculture, apiculture

How do you make a project for pisciculture?

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What is the history of apiculture?

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What is pisciculture Can you define it?

Pisciculture is the rearing and breeding of fishes under controlled condition.

What is ment by pisciculture?

Pisciculture is the practice of raising fish for commercial purposes, such as food production or restocking fisheries. It involves the controlled cultivation of fish in ponds, tanks, or other water bodies.

Apiculture is the study of what?

Apiculture is the study of rearing of bees in a structure called beehive

How do you call the rearing of honey bees on a large scale?


Is fish 's life cycle and pisciculture are same?

No, pisciculture is the controlled breeding, hatching, and rearing of fish.

What is apiculture?

It's in the dictionary: apiculture is beekeeping. From the Latin "apidae" meaning "bees".

Another name for sericulture?

the other name for sericulture is-Silk Farming

What does the Pisciculture refers to?

Fish Farming