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Weights- take away the 'w' and 's' and you get 'eight'- weights

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Q: What is seven letters word that if you take away two letters it becomes an eight letters word?
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From what seven letter word can you take away two letters and have eight left?

We saw it as from what heavy seven letter word can you take away two and have eight left? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .weights

What seven letter word can you take away 2 letters and end up with 8?


What seven letter word becomes longer?

I'm not sure you got all of it. Riddles of this nature usually take the form of, "What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?" The answer is "short." Alternatively, "What seven-letter word becomes longer when you take one letter away?" The answer is "lounger."

What seven letter word has seven left when you take two letters away?


I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?

The answer is seven because if you take away the letter 's' it then becomes the word 'even'.

What 5 letter word becomes 6 when you take 2 letters away?

There are a few answers. For example the word SIXTY. When you take away two letters (the T and the Y) it becomes SIX. Other answers could be: SIXES, SIXTIE, or SIXTH.

What seven letter word becomes longer if you take the third letter away?

"lounger" seems to work.

When was Eight Days Away created?

Eight Days Away was created in 2002.

What five letter word sounds the same when 3 letters the first middle and last letter are taken away?

The answer is the word empty. Take away the e and you have the letters mpty. Take away the p and you have the letters mty. Take away the y and you have the letters mt.

What nine letter word in the English language is still a word when the other eight letters are removed one by one?

Startling. Take away the L and you get starting. Take away the second T and you get staring. Take away the A and you get string. Take away the R and you get sting. Take away the T and you get sing. Take away the G and you get sin. Take away the S and you get in. Take away the N and you get I.

What is negative 81 minus negative 67equal?

Eight one take away negative sixty seven equals negative fourteen. This is a math problem.

If you are seven to eight weeks pregnant and you discharge a big ball of squishy gray and red blood does that mean you had a miscarriage?

Probably. You need to call your doctor right away.