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shortening = die Stauchung, die Verkürzung, die Verringerung.

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Q: What is shortening in German?
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What is the GERMAN word for shortening?


What did the word poodle come from?

German "Pudel" , shortening of "Pudelhund" from Low German pudeln "splash in water" + German Hund "dog". So there's your answer.

What did they call a German uboat?

It was the German way of saying "submarine" which properly should be called a "submersible." It is a shortening of "unterseeboot" to just uboat.

How did the word kid originate?

Kid is a shortening of the German word kinder which means child.

how much does shortening cost how much does shortening cost how much does shortening cost?

about 2.00$

What is plastic shortening?

Shortening with emulsifiers added to it

What does disty mean?

A shortening of distributor.Sometimes a shortening of distribution.

What is Osthoff's Law?

This Law has to do with the Language of Latin. Basically, Herman Osthoff (a German Linguistic), created (discovered) the Law for the shortening a vowel in Latin. he had devoted his life to finding this out.

What is the best replacement for shortening?

Butter is the best replacement for shortening.

What is the full form of Fanta?

Fanta is a shortening of the German and English words phantasie/fantasy (the former meaning 'imagination'). It is not an acronym nor is it a secret code short for something else.

How is leg shortening done?

Leg shortening surgery is also performed under general anesthesia. Generally, femoral shortening is preferred to

What will happen if you bake with expired shortening?

The shortening may be rancid, which will taint the food. There may also be high levels of bacteria in the shortening.