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Q: What is sieving used for in school?
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What is seiving?

sieving is in cooking not science and its used to get lumps out of ingredients

How is sieving used in a science lab?

its not sieving actually it is filteration,when we want to separate solid particles from our sample,we filter it by using filter paper..

What is sieved?

sieving is in cooking not science and its used to get lumps out of ingredients

What is the process of sieving?

sieve is an instrument used to separate mixture

Under what conditions should you use wet sieving instead of dry sieving?

Under what conditions should you use wet sieving instead of dry sieving?

What are the example sieving?

Examples: sieving of sand, sieving of flour, dimensional sorting of peas and beans, etc.

What is the difference between Sieving and Filtration?

Sieving: i)The sieve used in this method has larger pores. ii) It is used to filter wheat,flour,etc. Filtration: i) The filter paper used in this method has smaller pores. ii) It is used to filter muddy water,etc.

Is sieving sand from stones reversible?

is sieving sand from stones reversible?

How the method of separating mixture are used in every life?

Examples: decantation, sieving, magnetic separation.

What are the ways of separating mixtures like sifting?

Sieving is largely used in laboratories and industry for separation.

Examples of sieving?


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Living and sieving