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A sigmoidscope is a form of scope used to look into the sigmoid colon.

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Q: What is sigmoidoscope?
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Related questions

What can be detected with a sigmoidoscope?

Studies have shown that one-quarter to one-third of all precancerous or small cancerous growths can be seen with a sigmoidoscope.

What therapeutic use does a sigmoidoscope have?

The sigmoidoscope can be used therapeutically in conjunction with such other equipment as electrosurgical devices to remove polyps and other lesions found during the sigmoidoscopy.

What is the primary sigmoidoscope used?

The longer, flexible version, which is the primary type of sigmoidoscope used in the screening process, can detect more than one-half of all growths in this region. This examination is usually performed in combination with a fecal occult blood test

Instrument used to view the anus and rectum?

The common terms are endoscopy or sigmoidoscopy or endoscope.

Names of doctors tools?

There are several Doctors tools viz: Stethescope, Otoscope, Opthalmoscope, hammer, laryngoscope, proctoscope, sigmoidoscope, tunning fork, needle, syringe.........

Who invented sigmoidoscope?

A Jewish Doctor prisoner in Germany who was allowed to escape when he fixed a general's ulcer by using bismuth paste He practiced in Georgetown University and VaMC

What Jewish comedian had a joke about a sigmoidoscope?

The comedian was Dennis Wolfberg. Sadly he died of cancer a couple years after he went big with his colonoscopy bit. Extremely funny man with a super talent for facial and voice distortion humor.

How are sigmoidoscopys performed?

Most sigmoidoscopy is done with a flexible fiberoptic tube. The tube contains a light source and a camera lens. The doctor moves the sigmoidoscope up beyond the rectum (the first 1 ft/30 cm of the colon), examining the interior walls of the rectum.

How is the visual examination of the anus and rectum carried out?

Visual examination of the rectum and the anus is, Endoscopy

What is the medical term meaning visual examination of the sigmoid colon?

The procedure you are referring to is called a sigmoidoscopy.sigmoidoscopysigmoidoscopysigmoidoscopyThe procedure you are referring to is called a sigmoidoscopy.Sigmoidoscopy

What is a proctosigmoidoscopy?

This procedure uses a proctoscope, sigmoidoscope, or colonoscope and digital examination to evaluate the lining of the distal sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal. It's indicated in patients with recent changes in bowel habits, lower abdominal and perineal pain, prolapse on defecation, pruritus, and passage of mucus, blood, or pus in the stool. Specimens may be obtained from suspicious areas of the mucosa by biopsy, lavage or cytology brush, or culture swab. This is a more clinical answer than I was hoping to give you. The above is obtained from This is a more professional site but a great place to start with questions regarding preps, expectations and other facts that could prove to be helpful to you. Hope this helps.

Can a gynecologist diagnose a hemorrhoid?

Following the digital examination, the doctor will use an anoscope or sigmoidoscope in order to view the inside of the rectum and the lower part of the large intestine to check for internal hemorrhoids