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Cycads and other gymnosperms do not have true flowers and their seeds are borne naked. All species of cycads are dioecious. The male reproductive structure, androstrobilus, consists of microsporophylls. Each microsporophyll produces a large quantity of pollen grains on its dorsal surface. The pollen is dispersed by wind or by insects to the gynostrobilus, the female reproductive structure. When a pollen grain lands on the gynostrobilus, it germinates and grows a pollen tube that extends to deep within the multicellular, female haploid gametophyte. Then a sperm cell of the pollen grain swims through the pollen tube using its whip-like tail, or flagella, and fertilizes the egg to form a zygote. The zygote eventually develops into an embryo, and then a seed. Cycad seeds are rich in starch and have a pigmented, fleshy outer layer known as the sarcotesta. The seeds are often dispersed by birds or mammals, which eat them for the nutritious sarcotesta, and later defecate the still-viable seed.

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Q: What is significance of evolution shown by he flagellated Cycas sperm?
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What are some of the different theories of evolution?

There is only one central "theory of evolution", which is the theory of evolution by natural selection that Charles Darwin pioneered. There have been different theories in the past - such as Jean-baptise Lamarck's theory of acquired traits - but these lost their status of scientific theory when they were shown to be wrong.

What is the biological significance of PGAL?

Calvin Cycle shown in link. PGAL - 1.Used to produce sugars etc.. 2.Used to regenerate the 5 carbon acceptor of CO2 (RuBP).

Why are mutation beneficial to the process of evolution?

Scientists have shown that beneficial mutations do occur to produce brand new alleles(variants of genes) that improve an organism's chances of survival in a particular environment

What is the mutation theory of evolution?

This concept was called saltationism. It posited that organisms could be speciated by " hopeful monster " mutations in one large jump and this concept vied for prominence among biologists, mostly geneticists, with gradualist concepts of how evolution happened and all this in the early 20th century. This concept was shown to have no merit and has been refuted since then.

Why is a tree used to illustrate Darwin's theory of evolution?

Because a tree, or better a bush, shows how evolution actually takes place. The splitting of populations going different directions to species is shown best this way. Where all species at the tip of the branches are equally evolved and connected through the trunk to all other species in the tree.

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The transition of phyla of organisms over time. That is the great strength of the fossil record; evolution shown in the sedimentary rock.

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President Eisenhower did not mandate evolution, this is a myth as far as my research has shown. As a matter of fact he was a staunch believer in Creationism. See link:

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There are no new X-men: Evolution episodes and haven't been since 2003. Re-runs used to be shown on Disney XD, but they have since stopped showing them.

What are some of the different theories of evolution?

There is only one central "theory of evolution", which is the theory of evolution by natural selection that Charles Darwin pioneered. There have been different theories in the past - such as Jean-baptise Lamarck's theory of acquired traits - but these lost their status of scientific theory when they were shown to be wrong.

What is the biological significance of PGAL?

Calvin Cycle shown in link. PGAL - 1.Used to produce sugars etc.. 2.Used to regenerate the 5 carbon acceptor of CO2 (RuBP).

In the book The Origin of Species does evolution occur by means of natural selection?

Yes, that is what Darwin thought. However this has never been shown to be true.

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