

What is silver bromide?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Silver Bromide is AgBr. It is the salt produced from silver and bromine.

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Q: What is silver bromide?
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Which elements are joined up in silver bromide?

The elements present in silver bromide are silver and bromine.

What happens when silver nitrate is added to bromide?

Yellow Precipitate of Silver Bromide

Is silver bromide soluble?

Silver bromide is sparingly soluble in water, meaning it does not dissolve easily. It has low solubility in water.

What is observed when aqueous bromide and aqueous silver nitrate mix?

When aqueous bromide and aqueous silver nitrate mix, a white precipitate of silver bromide is formed. This is a chemical reaction that involves the exchange of ions: Ag⁺ + Br⁻ → AgBr↓.

How do you test for bromide ions?

Add silver nitrate solution to a solution of bromide ions. A pale yellow precipitate of silver bromide formed indicates the presence of bromide ions.

What is the most photosensitive silver halide?

I think it would be bromide(Silver Bromide) because Silver Bromide was used in films for cameras before they all became digital cameras.

What are the elements of silver bromide?

The elements in silver bromide are silver (Ag) and bromine (Br). Silver bromide is a chemical compound made of these two elements in a 1:1 ratio.

What is AgBr?

AgBr stands for silver bromide, which is a chemical compound composed of silver and bromine. It is commonly used in black and white photography as a light-sensitive material to capture images on film. AgBr is a pale yellow or white solid that is insoluble in water.

Is silver bromide a metal or nonmetal?

Silver bromide is a compound composed of the metal silver and the nonmetal bromine. Therefore, it is not classified solely as a metal or nonmetal but rather a compound containing both elements.

Why the most halide used in photography is silver bromide instead of other halides?

There are three silver halides used: silver bromide, silver chloride and silver iodide. Silver chloride doesn't absorb very much light and silver iodide is hard to develop. So they use silver bromide, with a little bit of the other two to make the emulsion work in ways silver bromide can't do alone.

What is the precipitate when silver bromide and sodium nitrate are mixed?

Silver bromide and sodium nitrate will react to form silver nitrate and sodium bromide as the products. The precipitate formed will be silver bromide, which is insoluble in water and will appear as a white solid in the reaction mixture.

Why silver bromide is kept in brown bottle?

Silver bromide is a photo reactive substance, the colour of the bottle keeps light out.