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Simon is introspective and compassionate in "Lord of the Flies," and he finds solace and connection with nature on the island. He often seeks solitude to reflect on the group dynamics and the growing savagery of the other boys. Simon represents a moral compass and a sense of goodness amidst the chaos and violence of the boys' descent into savagery.

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Q: What is simons attitude toward being on the island in Lord of the Flies?
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As Simon's body floats out to the sea in "Lord of the Flies," it is surrounded by gentle waves and the vast expanse of the ocean. There is a calmness and serenity to the scene, highlighting the contrast between his peaceful passing and the chaos and violence that consumed the island.

Who are simons parents in Lord of the Flies?

unknown. i dont actually know if they discussed anything about his parents.

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NOBODY ANSWER THIS!! He's trying to get this answer for his Year 10 English Coursework! Do it yourself!

What is the island shaped like lord of the flies?

The island in Lord of the Flies is shaped like a boat.

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In "Lord of the Flies," Golding implies that our attitude toward brute force is deeply ingrained in human nature and can lead to destruction when left unchecked. The book suggests that the desire for power and control can corrupt individuals, emphasizing the negative consequences of relying solely on brute force to solve conflicts. Golding ultimately highlights the importance of self-awareness and restraint in the face of primal instincts.

How do you get guano in my tribe?

go to the dark spot of the ocean around your island and click on a seagull. if it flies toward your island, follow it and hope it poops on your island, if so, click on it. you will receive 2 experience and it will added to your inventory under Raw Materials. if it land in the water, it is impossible to get, even when falling from the bird. Also, if the bird does not fly toward your island, it goes out of bounds and never returns. THIS DOES NOT WORK ON THE LAND-MULTICOLORED BIRDS. OR BUTTERFLIES, BUT I ASSUME YOU KNOW THAT ALREADY.

What is William Golding's attitude towards history in Lord of the Flies?

He is knowledgable.

Where is the island in Lord of the Flies?

An island in the Atlantic Ocean

In Lord of the Flies chapter 1 what is Simon's attitude towards being on the island?

Simon is described as being serene and accepting of their situation on the island. He embraces the solitude and finds a sense of peace in nature, which sets him apart from the other boys who are more panicked and worried about being stranded.