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Q: What is single used plan and distingash it with standing plaing?
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Is budget a single use plan standing plan or strategic plan?

It is a strategic plan

What is the difference between a single use plan and a standing plan?

Single use plans are designed to be put into action only one time. These very specific plans are typically discarded after use. A standing plan is put into place to cover for recurring events.

Examples of difference between standing plan and single use plan?

Single use plan was developed to carry out live a course of action that is not likely to be repeated in future time.Standing plan however is developed for activities that occur regularly over a period of time.

What was the single plan?

A single plan is a plan

Benefits of standing plans?

advantages of a standing plan

Examples of standing plan?

standing plans example standing plans example standing plans example

Standing plan in principles of management?

Standing plan is used for activities that recur regularly over a period of time.

What is an example of a single and standing plan that work together in business?

i dont understand ur question exactly, but from i understand the answer is a market[ing] strategy. hope that helps somewhat

What other types of plan can be used for controlling the organization?

1. Single-use Plans 2. Standing Plans 3. Contingency Plans

What are Types of operational plans?

There are two types of operational plans. A single-use plan is developed to carry out a course of action not likely to be repeated in the future. An ongoing or standing plan is developed for activities that recur regularly over a period of time.

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lesson plan for "standing and sleeping line" for nursery class

Which plan might be referred to as a what if plan?

single use