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Q: What is sinking air dry weather and few clouds called?
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Is it called low pressure when there is sinking dry air weather and few clouds?

No, that's high pressure. High pressure has sinking air and fair weather. Low pressure is rising air and usually brings lots of clouds and precipitation.

What is sinking air dry weather and few clouds?

Sinking air, combines with dry weather and only a few clouds are indicators of a cold front. Cold air is heavier and more dense than warm air.

What is Sinking air dry weather few clouds?

high pressure.

What is the weather when cumulos clouds appear?

Cumulus clouds cause fair weather, but cumulonimbus on the other hand don't, they cause thunderstorms and severe weather. Cumulus clouds can occur on fair weather days because of areas of rising and sinking air from the surface. This is typical of a conditionally stable atmosphere. Cumulonimbus clouds are the result of frontal lifting, allowing air rising to tap into atmospheric energy and therefore allowing the air to rise on its own without further frontal lifting required.

How does pressure affect your weather?

Generally with high surface pressure, there is sinking air and clear skies. With low surface pressure there is rising air with clouds and precipitation given sufficient moisture.

Draw a conclusion why is far weather common during periods of high pressure?

Sinking motion in high-pressure air masses makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form. That's why high pressure usually means good weather.

Why. Is fair weather common during periods of high pressure?

Areas of low pressure usually have cloudy weather. Sinking motion in high-pressure air masses makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form. That's why high pressure usually means good weather.

Is there clear weather because stable air is sinking?

Higher air pressure

How does the anticyclone's air inside affect weather?

Cyclones - air cools and clouds form and may cause rainy or stormy weather. Anticyclones - it brings dry and clear weather.

What weather conditions are often associated with air sinking?

The weather will be dry and low in humidity.

What atmospheric conditions must occur to cause a barometer to rise?

To cause a barometer to rise, high pressure and sinking air must dominate the atmosphere. High pressure occurs when air is sinking and compressing, leading to clear skies and generally fair weather conditions. This sinking air prevents the formation of clouds and causes the barometric pressure to rise.

What are the type of air movements that form winds and that forms clouds?

the unequal heating of the earth's surface causes wind (warm air rising and cold air sinking), and evaporation creates clouds.