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There are different diseases of the skin; it's best to consult with a doctor, to determine exactly what disease you have, and what's the best way to cure it.

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Q: What is skin disease can it core in kakawate leaves?
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What is the importance of kakawate leaves?

Multi-functionalityis the importance of kakawate leaves.Specifically, the leaves of the kakawate tree (Gliricidia sepium) are aesthetic in their growth pattern as medium green, pointed-tipped, rounded-based leaflets oppositely arranged along branches. They can be processed to control pests(insects, nuisance wildlife, ticks), fertilize soil, and treat skin conditions (dermatitis, scabies). They provide shade in the hot, humid parts of Guatemala, Honduras, and Philippines where they flourish.

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No, warts are a viral skin disease.

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You can use mulberry leaves whiten your skin. You will just need to pound the leaves and use the sap by applying it to your skin for lightening it.

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Chickenpox is a virus that is considered a disease unto itself. The problems that are commonly associated with it are skin infections from the rash that leaves the skin vulnerable to bacteria like stapholococcus. A person with chicken pox can also get meningitis, encephalitis, kidney, liver and lung problems from the virus.

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Is glaucoma an eye disease or a skin disease?

It is a eye disease.

Which insects leaves its stinger behind in the skin?

The insect that leaves its stinger behind in the skin is a bee. The stinger can be removed from the skin with a tweezers.

What is scaladerma?

Scleroderma is an auto-immune disease that affects the skin. It is a debilitating disease because it hardens the skin. There are no treatments for the disease.

What your sweat does when it leaves your skin?

Cools the skin by evaporation

Is it a skin disease?

It is if it involves the skin. A disease is a condition that could be classified as pathological and involving the integumentary system.