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Q: What is smallest words that entire living thing performs all jobs necessary?
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Entire living thing performs all jobs necessary for life?


What is the smallest unit of a living organism or nonliving thing?

The cell is the smallest living thing and an atom is the smallest non-living thing.

Smallest living units are in the body?

The cell is the smallest living unit in the body.

The smallest living things are single?

yes the smallest living orginizms are single celled

What is the smallest living thing that microbiology will study?

what is the smallest living thing microbiology will study

Name of breed of smallest living dog?

The smallest living dog is currently a Chihuahua.

What is the smallest living part of a plant or an animal?

the smallest living things are made of of a single cell

What is the smallest kingdom of living things?

eubacteria is the smallest kingdom

What is Smallest living cell?

Mycoplasms =) The smallest living cell is called SAR11. It also has the smallest genome. It is a bacteria group found mainly in the seas.

What is the smallest non primate?

Bacteria are the smallest living creatures. Viruses are smaller but generally not considered living creatures.

What is smallest free living cell with cell wall?

PPLO is the smallest living cell . Its example is MYCOPLASMA .

What title does a person who performs ultra sounds for a living have?

a sonographer.