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A drug, in the legal sense, is some form of medicine to cure a remedy.

Alcohol, in the legal sense, is a fermented beverage like, wine or beer.

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when you hold a dildo in your mouth and suck farts out of grannys arses

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Q: What is smoking and drugs?
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Related questions

Can you get diseases by smoking legal drugs?

Yes, you can get diseases by smoking legal drugs.

Are cigarettes actually safer than drugs?

Depending on what drugs you are speaking about. Smoking is still a drug, and is not safe. But smoking will not harm you instantley. If smoking was like drugs, they would not be on sale.

What are smoking cessation drugs?

Smoking cessation drugs are medicines that help people stop smoking cigarettes or using other forms of tobacco.

Why are drugs and smoking bad?

If drugs and smoking were a good thing, all the people on the world would be smoking, drinking and using drugs. Less and less people nowadays are quitting smoking and they feel much better afterwards. So that happens to all other malefic drugs.

Is smoking like drugs?


Do people who quit smoking go on to drugs later on in life?

Not everyone who quits smoking will later do drugs in. Some people replace their smoking habits with something else that may be drugs. Those who cant go without smoking but quit and still have the urge will most likely do drugs because of how similar it is.

What causes addidtion to smoking and drugs?

Nicotine causes addiction to smoking

What kind of drugs is there?

Tobacco smoking

Is harder to stop taking drugs or stop smoking cigarettes?


What Affects Pregnancy?

wine drugs and smoking

What will happen to people if you band smoking?

iF you band smoking, there will be more smoggling then ever. smoking is an addiction just like drugs.

How does smoking affect fitness levels?

Dont do drugs