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Q: What is so strange about quasars?
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How many quasars are in a galaxy?

No more than one, we think. Quasars are so distant that it is difficult to distinguish details about their parent galaxies.

Why are there no quasars left?

Quasars still exist.

Are distant objects in space called quarks or quasars?


Are quasars part of your solar system?

No. Quasars are at the centers of distant galaxies.

Does the existence of quasars support the Big Bang theory?

Not the existence of quasars, but the fact that all quasars are distant from us. The best explanation for what we observe when we see quasars is that they are super-massive black holes in early galaxies, burning up solar "fuel" so rapidly that they eventually run out. We do not observe any quasars near to us, so the conditions that allowed quasars to form must have existed only several billion years ago. If our Universe has not changed its basic structure and density over the last 15 billion years or so, then the conditions that would allow quasars would allow them to exist at any time over that span. This would mean that there should be just as many quasars close to us as there are far from us. But we just don't see that. As is the case with many of the things we see, this is easy to explain via Big Bang Cosmology but almost impossible to explain with any alternative.

How a quasars are formed?

Quasars are thought to be distant super-massive black holes.

What year were quasars first discovered?

The first quasars were discovered in the 1950's

Are quasars the size of the solar system?

Yes. Quasars are the size of the solar system.

Do all quasars have host galaxies in them?

Quasars do not have galaxies in them, quasars are at the hearts of galaxies. All quasars are located in galaxies, as a quasar involves massive amounts of material falling into a supermassiv black hole. Neither of these can be found outside of a galaxy.

What do astronomers use to study quasars?

Scientists use radio waves to study distant quasars because quasars emit large amounts of radio waves but not much visible light.

Which was discovered most recently DNA atomic power radio waves or pulsars and quasars?

pulsar and quasars

Are blackholes and quasars the same thing?

Not entirely - although it is believed that quasars are caused by a gigantic black hole.