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What is so unusual is that a long time ago Native Americans used the poison from the frogs on their arrows, so that when they shot someone with an arrow the poison would be in their blood and they would die from it.

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Q: What is so unusual about the arrow poison frog?
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How strong is the poison of an arrow poison frog?

The golden poison dart frog's poison is so poisonous it can kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice.

What are poison arrows?

a poison arrow is a arrow that has poison in it so when it hit somebody the poison spreads and they die

Are the poison dart frog and the poison arrow frog the same?

One of the most toxic poison arrow frogs is the Golden Dart Frog. Its latin name is Phillobates terribilis. There are many, many species of poison dart frogs (genii Phillobates, Dendrobates, Epipedobates among others) but P. terribilis is one of the best known. It is solid gold in colour and is a startlingly beautiful frog. There is enough toxin in the skin of one frog to kill three thousand mice.

How does a poison arrow frog breathe?

i guess it breathes through its skin, like a regular frog. the only reason it doesn't die is the fact that they eat stuff that are poisonous, so i guess it's immune.

How does a poisonous dart frog carry its poison?

in it's skin, so that if a predator eats it, the poison is released from the frog's skin and sicken the predator.

Who would win a bear or a frog?

Is the frog poisinous? if so then the frog might be eaten and then the bear dies of poison. If the frog wasen't, then I would say the Bear

How could a poison dart frog kill you?

since your skin absorbs so the poison gets on your skin and kills you.

How poisonous are poison dart frogs?

This depends on the species of the frog. The most poisonous dart frog is the golden frog of Colombia, its skin is covered in toxic alkaloids that stop nerves transmitting signals, causing paralysis, heart failure and respiratory failure. It is so toxic that Native Indians only touch their arrows to the frogs skins, and this is sufficient to kill animals shot with it. Dogs that come in contact with a paper towel on which the frog walked can die. However most poison dart frogs are less toxic. Captive bred poison arrow frogs are not poisonous at all.

Does a poison dart frog have a backbone?

yes it does all frogs have a back bone but the poison dart frog has a very weak back bone and very easy to brake so that why it uses poison to protect it's self

How does global warming kill poison dart frogs?

it so hot the poison protects the frog and poison melts off and cant protect themselves

Is a poison dart frog invertebrate or vertebrate?

Frogs have bones so they are vertebrates.

What is the extraction process of the poison dart frog?

Poison dart frogs emit poison from their skin. Natives who extract the poison from the frogs may roast the frogs over a fire, but the poison from many species is so potent, they can simply rub the tip of their arrows on the frog's skin without harming it.