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Q: What is social or affective resources?
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Is wind renewable energy affective?

yes it is very affective and can be very useful if all our other resources of power run out.

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emotional and social skills.

What are risk factors for affective disorders?

Cultural influences and social pressures in achievement-oriented societies are important risk factors in affective disorders symptoms.

What are affective learning compenties in the assessment?

Affective learning competencies in assessment assess the emotional and social aspects of a student's learning process. They may include attitudes, values, motivation, and social skills that impact how a student engages with learning content and their overall development. Assessing affective competencies in addition to cognitive abilities provides a more holistic understanding of a student's growth and well-being.

Is uranium affective?

"Affective" or efficient ?

What is comparative of affective?

most affective

What are affective abilities?

Ablilities which are related to the Affective Domain or to the emotions among the Humans are Affective abilities

Characteristics of affective assessment?

Affective assessment focuses on measuring students' attitudes, values, beliefs, and emotions. It aims to understand students' motivation, engagement, and social-emotional skills. It often involves self-reporting, observations, and reflective activities to capture the affective domain of learning.

What is social resources?

here are some examples of social resources: Schools Firefighters Policemen Anything that helps us socially etc.

Social need social resources and a sympathetic social context are the three points of?

social impact within the current system

What is the definition of social resources?

ource of docial

What are examples of social resources?

house building