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There is an industrial form of sodium aluminosilicate, known as synthetic amorphous sodium aluminosilicate, that contains water. This is a series of compounds and does not have a fixed chemical composition. It is used as an additive in powdered foods to keep lumps from forming.

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Q: What is sodium aluminum silicate used for?
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What is Sodium aluminum silicate in pharmaceutical use?

sodium aluminum silicate is used as antacid in pharmaceutical and they formed a paste or gel for sodium aluminum silicate

Is sodium aluminum silicate organic?

No. To be considered organic a compound must contain carbon. Sodium aluminum silicate contains sodium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen, but not carbon.

What is Sodium aluminum silicate?

Sodium aluminum silicate is part of a group of minerals known as plagioclase feldspars. Specifically albite and has the chemical formula NaAlSi3O8.

Why is sodium aluminum silicate put in food?


Is sodium silicate the same as aluminum silicate?

No. They may be similar in some ways, but they definitely aren't the same thing. Among other differences, sodium silicate is soluble in water and aluminum silicate is not. (Both of them are actually metasilicates, not true silicates.)

What is sodium silicate?

Sodium aluminum silicate is part of a group of minerals known as plagioclase feldspars. Specifically albite and has the chemical formula NaAlSi3O8.

What is an ultramarine?

An Ultramarine is a blue pigment of a double silicate of aluminum and sodium

Potassium silicate the same as potassium aluminum silicate?

No. Potassium silicate is not the same as potassium aluminum silicate.

Where can you find sodium Silicate?

Sodium silicate is nothing but Sand . So the source of sodium silicate in earth crust. The main use of sodium silicate is to make glass.

Does sodium silicate make a color?

Sodium silicate is white.

What is the chemical formula sodium silicate?

Sodium silicate is Na2SiO3

What is a sentence using the word moonstones?

A sentence using moonstone is: Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminum silicate stone.