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Well, my family really loves shih tzus. These cute puppies have earned an important part in our lives. Here are some facts :) 1: they are very hyper dogs (they will run for their hearts!) 2: they are snappy around children, so be careful. 3: they have sensitive skin, so be aware. 4: like all female dogs, the female shih tzus do have periods. 4: they don't bark much. 5: they make good guard dogs. 6: shih tzus that are still puppies (months old) can be heavy (mine is! Lol) 7: they can live in apartments. 8: they think they are the boss. 9: they think they are the big dogs. 10: they LOVE attention Hope those helped :)

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Q: What is some information on shih-tzu's?
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Where do shihtzus come from?

either Tibet or china

Are shihtzus good with other dogs?

depends on how they are socialized earlier in life.

What does llasa apso dogs look like?

Very much like a shihtzus with a slightly longer snout.

What is the weight of a shih tzus?

Shih tzus weigh 9 to 16 lbs. I have two Shihtzus and they both weigh 14lbs.

What should I get a Shih Tzu or a Golden Retriever and why?

This depends on your personality. If your very active and like to go running or jogging, a golden retriever, shihtzus get tired and have to be carried( I know from expirience.) They're both very loving and loyal. Shihtzus will lay on your lap and sleep FOREVER ;) also they dont shed, but you do need to clean their eyes. GR shed ALOT .

Do shihtzus shed?

No they don't, i own one. Their fur does grow long though, so it is best to periodically get it cut to a pet cut as it is easier to care for. They smell very little and don't need to be bathed to often, as this dries out their skin and removes natural oils

Are you shure shihtzus have fur?

Shih-tzus along with many other breeds are hypoallergenic. This means that you can't be allergic to them. So they most likely have hair.

When do shih tzus start to bark?

some shih tzus bark beacause they see strangers and try to protect themselfs but some shihtzus bark at other dogs beacuse they are scared if a shih tzu barks at you and you are its owner maybe it just wants to play or needs things like:food,water, attention, and or potty brake :)

What are some characteristics of valuable information?

Valuable information is information that can be learned from or used in some way. Characteristics of valuable information include a want for the information and a motive for wanting that information.

Your little Shihtzus pee is looking really dark suddenly What could be the cause of that?

The most likely cause of the dark urine is dehydration. If it contains blood, there may be an infection or internal bleeding, and you would need to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Can you get some information on John Adams?

you can get some information in,not in stupid

Do pregnant shih tzus get seizures?

Well I cant speak for all shihtzus but I can tell you mine didn't she is just fine,The same as before beginning and end also out of all the ones I've seen none had these problems. I guess it depends on the dog body.