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it is making holes in the ozon lyer

causing the melting of the ice

and making the uv rays extreamly high

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Q: What is some of the effects chemical products have on global warming?
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Some chemical sources are bad for the environment, for example gases creates greenhouse effects which make global warming.

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Neither is particularly useful.

Plants help reverse the effects of global warming by removing what chemical from the atmosphere?

Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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What are the effects of global warming to the ozone layer?

Global warming is heating of earth. It causes ozone depletion.

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Global warming can be halted by halting the greenhouse gases. These gases are the ones responsible for warming.

What are effects of pollution on the earth?

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Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.