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Your parole will be cancelled and you'll go back to prison.

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Q: What is some of the most likely results for failing a drug test while on probation?
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Can you move out of Connecticut while on probation for a class A misdemeanor?

Moving out of Connecticut while on probation for a Class A misdemeanor would typically require obtaining permission from the probation officer and the court. It is crucial to inform your probation officer and request a transfer of probation to the new jurisdiction before considering a move. Failing to do so could result in a violation of probation.

Can you move out at 17 while on probation in Michigan?

In Michigan, a 17-year-old on probation would need approval from their probation officer and legal guardian to move out. It's essential to follow the guidelines set by the court regarding living arrangements while on probation to avoid any legal consequences. It's recommended to consult with a legal professional for specific advice in this situation.

Can you fly if you are on probation or will a background check by the airline catch this?

Yes you can fly while on probation,,,,but get permission from your P.O. first if you are leaving the state,,,,,,,,,more than likely it is against your probation to leave the state with out permission,,,,,,,,if it is a legitimate reason to fly your P.O. will more than likely grant you permission.

What would happen if restitution has outstanding balance at end of probation period?

Probation could be extended, but provided there were no issues while the offender was on probation and made efforts to pay the balance, the remaining balance would likely be referred to collections.

Can you lose your license if you received a ticket while being on probation for DUI?

That will depend on the evaluation by the judge. If you were driving while impaired and on probation for another DUI, most likely the answer will be "yes". If you were doing a couple MPH over the limit on a freeway, probably not, but no guarantees.

Can you own a gun while on unsupervised probation in the state of Missouri?

Can you get gun in Missouri while on probation

Can you hunt in NH if you are on probation in PA for a misdeamor?

no you cant leave the state while on probation unless you get permission from your probation officer or you will go to jail and most probation officers will tell you that you can't have any weapons while on probation

Can you be extradited from Kentucky to Wisconsin for absconding while on misdermeanor probation?

It is quite likely. Probation is a sentence (albeit a lenient one) imposed after you were found found guilty of committing a crime. Absconding probation is much the same as escaping from jail. You are illegaly avoiding serving the term of your sentence.

Can you own a gun while on misdemeanor probation for control substance?

Check w/ your probation officer. It will depend on the terms of your probation.

What can happen if a report was made for domestic violence while on federa probation?

If the probationer was the perpetrator, it is quite likely the probationer could be 'violated' and remanded to jail.

Do you always go to jail on violation of probation?

Typically, Yes. It is however entirely up to your Probation Officer. It depends on the severity of the Violation. For example; depending on what County your probation is in. Some Counties allow you to fail a drug screen up to 3 times; other Counties will violate and arrest you the first time you fail. If you are charged with another crime while on probation you will likely be arrested by the Police and your probation will be automatically violated. Other ways to Violate Probation: 1. My moving residences and not notifying your Probation Officer ahead of time. 2. Failure to pay Probation Fee's/Court Cost/Restitution 3. Being insubordinate, using profanity, making threats, or obstructing your Probation Officer otherwise known as Disorderly Conduct or Obstructing a Public Official. 4. Domestic Violence (same as committing a new crime/offense) 5. Failing or Refusing a Urine Analysis. 6. Driving while License Suspended or Revoked 7. Making contact with the Victim or Suspect(s) involved with committing offense. Hope this helps, good luck! Hilary 5.

Can you travel to Hawaii while on probation in Georgia?

I would call your probation officer to find out.